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Server Room Monitor

EDS' hardware and custom SNMP probes enables you to feed live data representing the temperature and other environmental conditions of your server rooms, racks, individual servers, HVAC ducts, etc. to your new or existing installation of HelpSystems' InterMapper Network Monitoring Software. InterMapper can then proactively notify you when the conditions go above or below pre-defined thresholds, enabling you to take corrective measures before encountering costly downtime. InterMapper can produce graphs of all the historical temperature data it has collected, allowing you to spot potential problems before they happen.

EDS offers two compatible monitoring systems:

MeshNet Wireless Sensor System

The MeshNet Intermapper probes support a wireless connection with up to 7 wireless sensors and the MeshNet Controller base unit. Sensors available for monitoring:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Discrete Inputs

OW-SERVER 1-Wire Sensor System

The OW-SERVER Intermapper probes support wiring up to 7 1-Wire sensors per server. Sensors are available for monitoring:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Light Level
  • Barometric Pressure

All communications with our hardware occur using SNMP enabling you to simultaneously monitor multiple dispersed locations using your existing LANs, WANS, and/or VPNs.

The installation of each location consists of one base unit (OW-SERVER or MeshNet Controller) and one or more compatible sensors (up to 7* per base unit). Begin by providing the network connection to the base unit. Configurable options include IP address, DHCP, LED/Relay behavior, and more. For each type of device it monitors, InterMapper requires a probe file which instructs it on how to interact with the device. Our Getting Started with OW-SERVER & MeshNet systems in Intermapper article takes you through the initial configuration procedures. Installing the custom probe is as simple as copying it into the 'InterMapper Settings:Probes' folder and then telling InterMapper to reload probes. For absolute convenience and no guess work, you'll find a list of sensor kits below which work with InterMapper right out of the box. For more flexibility, feel free to build your own kit by selecting the individual sensors below.

Intermapper is a registered trademark of HelpSystems, LLC.

(While we provide application assistance, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in their application.) The following is a list of sensors and kits which are compatible with InterMapper:

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