EDS XML Reader C# is a simple open source program to demonstrate collecting sensor data from the details XML files provided by the OW-SERVER and MeshNet Controller. This program reads the OW-SERVER/Controller once a second, displays the sensor data in the display window and will also optionally append the data to the csv file.
The program operates in one of two modes:
Multi Device - It can read a single XML tag for each sensor.
Single Device - It can read data from up to 3 XML tags from a single sensor.
Configuring Multi Device Mode:
- Set the "URL" to the correct location of the details.xml file.
- Enter the desired XML tag into the "Tag1" text file.
- Remove any characters from the "EUI" field
- Optionally, click "Select Log File" and select or create a CSV or TXT file if you want the senor data appended to a file.
- Select the units, Metric or English. The program currently converts temperature and barometric pressure.
- Select "Start."
Configuring Single Device Mode:
- Set the "URL" to the correct location of the details.xml file.
- Enter the desired the XML tags in the "Tag1", "Tag2", and "Tag3" fields. You may leave "Tag3" empty to limit the Single Device log to 2 XML tags. In addition "Tag2" may be left empty to limit the Single Device log to one XML tag.
- Enter the EUI or ROMID of the device to read in the ‘EUI’ field.
- Click ‘Select Log File’ to write the data to a file.
- Select the desired units, Metric or English.
- Select "Start"