The 3C\TEMP-USB is a highly accurate temperature data logger which monitors a wide temperature range of -29°C thru 72°C and can be downloaded, reconfigured, and deployed numerous times. It has many user programmable functions which enable the logger's behavior to be customized (e.g. logging rates, alarm thresholds, quarantine trigger value, start delay). Furthermore, it has a unique quarantine warning feature which triggers when a logger has been outside the user programmed alarm thresholds for a user selected length of time.
The 3C\TEMP loggers offer a large easy to see display (the largest display of all our data loggers). This enables the critical logger data to be viewed on a single screen without requiring the data to be cycled through. The data displayed includes:
This temperature data logger's use of USB simplifies setup and operation by eliminating the need for specialized cables and docking stations.
The quarantine function not only identifies that the logger has gone beyond configured temperature ranges, but also that those excursions have exceeded an acceptable duration of time. The quarantine function provides a clear call to action for the recipient.